
Mar 24, 20203 min

The Letter


Guess what?! In September, I’m going on a 9 month, overseas, high school ministry missions trip with Cru!! (formerly known as Campus Crusade for Christ) This program is for students to take a “Gap year” after high school and before college to travel to other countries and share God’s love and hope with high school students there. I am beyond excited to be able to be a part of this!!

I first heard about Cru’s gap year program last summer, as I was really seeking God’s direction for my life after graduation (this May!!!!). My older brother, Caleb is with Cru High School ministry down in Orlando. He kept telling me to check out the gap year program; he could see me really loving it.

At first I brushed the idea aside. I knew it was something I could really get excited and carried away over (I mean it’s going places, loving people, and sharing my Jesus!!). But God hadn’t revealed that it was His will for me yet; so, I tried to guard my heart from hoping too much for this opportunity. ;)

But still...Caleb kept at it. :) Over and over, he kept asking me if I had looked into it, finally telling me just call the Gap Year director. Then I’d have more information to seek the Lord in this.

And so, I gave in. I got her number, and just called. It sounded even more wonderful from the director, Jill, but still I didn’t want to get my hopes up, so after the call, I put it in the back of my mind again.

I’ve always known that when God wants to use me somewhere, I can trust Him to open the doors, and invite me to join Him in what He’s already doing. I don’t have to put it on myself to seek out all the answers and figure out “what I should do with my life”. I know He will lead. I only need to follow. And so I waited (maybe not so patiently at times) ;) for the Lord to show me where He wanted to take me after high school, because I knew the invitation would come.

And then it came. A few weeks after I had talked to Jill about Cru, my whole family was in the van and on the road to TN for some camping. Just before we got out of WiFi phone buzzed. I had a message from Jill:

“The Cru Gap Year program’s website is up and running for applications if you feel God leading you in that direction.”

In that moment, as I sat there with cornfields whizzing past outside the van window, my phone in my hand, I felt God chuckle over me, “How many invitations do you need, dear Child?” All along He had been bringing up Cru...because He was preparing me to go!! Immediately, I was overwhelmed with joy and excitement! He’d said I could go! And best of all, He and I would be going together. A brand new adventure with Jesus to look forward to!

As you can probably tell, I’m bursting with excitement to go! But I still have several months to wait (and raise support!). First, I graduate in May (Yay!!). Then in September, the Cru Gap Year team will meet down in Orlando, Florida for a month of preparation: learning ministry skills and getting started by sharing the gospel with students there in Orlando.

Then, in October, we’ll finally get to “hit the road” and jump into the crazy adventure of traveling overseas to spread the love of Christ. <3 My team will be in South America and possibly other locations for those 8 months of overseas ministry. We will visit high schools, share God’s love, and build relationships. There are also plans for the team to participate in ministry projects in other locations in South America as well.

I am sooo grateful that God has arranged all the details and opened all these doors to let me join in His Kingdom work in this way. AND I am sooo thankful for any of you who will partner with me in God’s work around the world!

Right now, I need to raise $19,000 (which will cover airfare, training, meals, lodging, and transportation). Though I may be the one going, through your partnership and support, you will play a big part as well in this awesome story God is going to tell!

He has so many great plans in store. I can’t wait to jump in. :)

Join me in seeing God do big things!

If you would like to contribute, my personal, online giving account is Any gift is wonderful (whether it be of $100, $200, $500, or $1000) !! (All checks should be made payable to Cru, and all gifts are tax deductible)


To Him be all glory, honor, and praise,

~Esther Cox

6027 Pulaski Pike

Huntsville, AL 35810

(256) 859-0914
