
Nov 15, 20191 min

Wave Walkers

Updated: Mar 24, 2020

I relate a lot to Peter in the Bible. So exuberant, so crazy, really, in following his Master. One of my favorite stories is the one in which Jesus walks on water. And Peter too!! Seriously, what?! Peter sees Jesus out on the water and calls out to Jesus, "Lord, tell me to come to you on the water!" And so, Jesus calls him, and Peter leaps out of the boat in faith that he will indeed walk across these waters. And he does! For a moment.

But then...he sees the storm around him, the wind and the waves, and he begins to sink. Of course, Jesus catches poor Peter, but the point I love from this story is how important it is to keep our gaze fixed on Jesus.

The storms of life look pretty big and scary! The waves threaten to pull us under. The wind whips around us. BUT, when our hearts are focused on Jesus, we can walk right over all of that towards Jesus- always towards Jesus.

Don't look at what threatens to overwhelm you. "Turn your eyes upon Jesus. And the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace". And it's true, when you're looking at Him, you won't be looking at the waves around you.

We're all called to be wave walkers (if you haven't heard Ann Voskamp's Wave Walker poem, you need to!) Peter did the right thing in stepping out of his boat. In surrendering his false security and safety net. Surrender your boat, and get into the water with Jesus. Let Him make you a wave walker.
